
6 February 2024

The most widespread form of discrimination

Research from Independent Age has found that a third of the population hold ageist beliefs. Ageism is so widespread, that for many it has become acceptable. Phrases such as “having a senior moment” and “looking good for your age” are commonplace.

In order to change the way we think about ageing, we need to challenge negative stereotypes. We all have views that have unknowingly taken root in our minds. But their research found that:


      • Nearly half of the public sees older people as less tolerant.

      • Many people believe that older people have less relevant views and that it is acceptable to ignore their views.

      • More than a quarter (28%) agree that it’s acceptable to assume older people can’t understand complex information

      • One in five (21%) of people think that old people have less fun*

    You can find more about this research and other facts and statistics about ageism on their new Age Without Limits website.

    The first step to challenging ageism is to reflect on and question your own attitudes towards age and ageing. They have created this short quiz to find out if you hold ageist beliefs, why not give it a go and find out…


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