
8 June 2023

Pensions Dashboards Update

Yesterday, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Pensions Laura Trott gave a written statement on the Pensions Dashboard, announcing that she is laying amending Regulations with a “new approach” that will allow the department to work more collaboratively with the pensions industry.

The new regulations will not provide the entire staging timeline in legislation, instead providing guidance which they will collaborate on with industry this year.

They have set a connection deadline of 31 October 2026; this is not the Dashboards Available Point, when it will become accessible to the public, which could come earlier.

What is the Pensions Dashboard?

Pensions dashboards will hopefully enable individuals to access their pensions information online, securely and all in one place. The Dashboards are being designed by the Pensions Dashboard programme to provide clear and simple information about an individual’s multiple pension savings, including their State Pension.

We are currently unclear as to how this will display Civil Service pensions but will be keeping involved in discussions that include the integration of this pension type.

For more information, please visit the Pensions Dashboards website.



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