
27 April 2022

Local democracy campaigning – your voice needed

With all the various distractions currently underway in Parliament, plus the tragic war in Ukraine, campaigning organisations such as CSPA are finding it difficult to get their voices heard.

We decided that we should “go local” given the upcoming local elections being held in some areas in early May.

The toolkit we have produced aims to help members lobby their local government candidates for improvements which will assist them and at the same time help to kickstart local economies.

Even if there are no elections in your area you can still write to your local councillors so that they know the importance of putting older people at the centre of their policy making.

If they have been newly elected then it is of course important to help remind them of their promises. You can access the toolkit here.

If you would like to receive a hard copy then please contact HQ Office on 020 8688 8418


Are you a current or retired Civil Servant? Become a member of the CSPA to support our campaigning, and gain access to a wide range of benefits.

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