
17 May 2024

Have your say: Share your views on the state pension

Independent Age are keen to hear about people’s attitudes towards the State Pension and how important it is as a source of income and are asking for anyone aged 66 or over to complete their questionnaire and help shape their future work and campaigns.

Over 2 million pensioners in the UK are living in poverty and Independent Age believe that nobody should face financial hardship in later life, and have been campaigning to make that vision a reality.  

Completing this survey, and sharing your thoughts and experiences of what needs to happen so that everyone has an adequate income in later life will help shape their future work.

All answers are anonymous and it will take around 15 mintutes to complete.   

In their words…  ‘This is a chance to make sure your voice is hears, so that together we can build a world where nobody has to fave poverty in older age.’


Are you a current or retired Civil Servant? Become a member of the CSPA to support our campaigning, and gain access to a wide range of benefits.

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