
4 September 2023

CSPA meet with Cabinet Office pensions team

CSPA officers had a very positive meeting with the Cabinet Office pensions team today, Monday 4 September, to discuss a range of Civil Service pension issues affecting our retired members, and members with deferred Civil Service pensions.

meeting together

The issues discussed included:

  • Implementation and communication of the McCloud Remedy to ensure fairness and equality of pension benefits offered during the the transitional pension change period from April 2015 – 31 March 2022;
  • Cabinet Office and CSPA joint Webinars on the McCloud remedy planned for late November;
  • Flexibility in the recovery arrangements for pension overpayments;
  • CSPA involvement in Pensions Awareness Week from 18 September and at the Regional Employer Forums in the Autumn;
  • Target time achievements in the processing of partial-retirement applications;
  • Roll-out of the online pension portal to deferred pension scheme members;
  • Future Service delivery timescale
Christine Haswell, CSPA Pensions Case Manager

CSPA Pensions Case Manager, Christine Haswell, commented: “This was a very constructive meeting on issues affecting many CSPA members, and those close to retirement in the Civil Service. The positive engagement we have with the senior teams at the Cabinet Office and MyCSP is helpful in resolving and clarifying pension issues for our members, and our joint working on implementation and communication to members of the McCloud Remedy”


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