Sally and David attended events this week organised by the NFBUK (National Federation of the Blind of the UK) at Portcullis House.
The event, sponsored by Steve Darling MP and his Guide Dog Jennie, showcased a film called ‘Buses are our life line’ and highlighted the impact floating bus stops are having on the visually impared.
We share the NFBUK’s concern over these bus stops and how they impact our members with mobility or visual impairments.
"In the rush to make our roads safer for cyclists, our members feel that the needs of older people and those with disabilities may have been overlooked. We are concerned by the inconsistent design in constructing 'floating bus stops' and the lack of consideration for the hierarchy of road users set out within the highway code. We call upon the Minister of Transport to address these issues."
Sally Tsoukaris, General Secretary