
2 April 2024

Campaign focus: Transport

Over the next few months we will be sharing information on our campaign focus areas. Those topics we feel strongly about and are fighting for on behalf of our members. This month we are discussing transport.

Decent and affordable public transport is a vital line of support for older people, enabling them to retain their independence. Yet lack of access to public transport can have a significant impact on quality of life. Two in three older people cannot reach a hospital within 30 minutes by public transport, while in England alone 27% of bus routes, measured by mileage, have disappeared in the last ten years with a total of 5,000 routes closing altogether. A further 2,160 services were lost in 2022-23.

We welcome measures contained in the National Bus Strategy to improve services; however, we also want to see buses made more accessible to all. Evidence from the Campaign for Better Transport suggests that the average concessionary bus pass is used over 100 times a year, with the consultancy KPMG finding that each £1 spent on concessionary bus fares for older and disabled people generates £3.80 in economic benefits.

In alignment with Age UK, as part of Later Life Ambitions we are calling for the bus concession schemes in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to remain free and universal for older people.

We will be sharing our campaign focus on accessibility and ease of use over the course of the month.


Are you a current or retired Civil Servant? Become a member of the CSPA to support our campaigning, and gain access to a wide range of benefits.

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